Saturday, February 17, 2007

Being a Grown-up 101

I had a three hour meeting with my accountant today to hand all my paperwork over to her to deal with my taxes for my graphic design studio for me.

Not only did I get ecstatic over my new set of dishes the other day, now I do have my very own accountant. (Not to mention that I have a graphic design studio?)

Oh, and my friend? She's passing her nursery (well, the furniture) down to me once we get the new apartment this summer.

I feel so damn grown up. Not too long ago I was living in a kid's room myself. Or at least it doesn't feel like "not too long ago". Now I have my own accountant, who does my finances, and who I have just today given power of attorney to do all my dealings with the finance department for me in my name.

I have a business and my own accountant. Am I the only one finding this baffling?

Everything seems to fall into place now, slowly but surely.

Now... where is my baby...? :(


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