Friday, January 12, 2007


I bought a test yesterday, and - just for good measure - started to take a folic acid supplement. One can never have enough folic acid, and I heard from serveral trustworthy sources that one should start taking it even in preparations for pregnancy. It aids cell growth, and I'd be wise to start my very own internal folic acid depot, or so I heard.

At any rate - I planned on taking the test this morning. Yes, I am still free of AF.

But then I didn't. I got really scared of a "not pregnant" result, plus the boobage pains have diminished, and the ovarian cramps have turned it up a notch. Just your cookie-cutter pre-mens symptoms, and - have my cycles not been completely out of whack since the D&C? I can't rely on 28 days anymore, and it hasn't been unheard of for me to go through 34 day cycles either. So I'll hold off on the test... if nothing shows by Sunday, maybe I'll do it then.

For today, I'll just enjoy my birthday. I'll get off an hour early today, I'll spend some time with the family, and for 8PM I have a table reserved for 10 people in a restaurant I have never been to, but is - supposedly - fun. Just to be on the safe side I'll refrain from drinking tonight. I'll come up with a believable excuse.

My hopes are still up.


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